Interviews | 3 Min Read

Crafting Scents, Memories, and Sustainability: Ella Walker, Etikette Founder & Director

From Ella Walker's home, Etikette emerged, blending scents and memories into soy wax candles and reed diffusers. Sustainability guides their journey, while stories shared become the true reward—a candle sparking memories, a fragrance bridging distances. Amidst motherhood's chaos, Ella finds solace in quiet rituals, while Etikette looks to the future with anticipation, ready to unveil new horizons—a testament to scent's enduring power.

Crafting Scents, Memories, and Sustainability: Ella Walker, Etikette Founder & Director
1. Can you share the story of how your business started?

Etikette started as a maternity leave side project in my laundry at home almost eight years ago. 

I’ve always been fascinated by the power of scents and memories. My first ever memory is of a smell, a particular clover flower that used to grow underneath our childhood washing line, and even now whenever I smell that scent I’m transported back to that time and place in an instant.  

I love how powerful our sense of smell is. At its heart Etikette is about storytelling through scents, creating nostalgic home fragrances that connect people back to memories of the places they love. 


2. Describe your typical work day.

My sister Georgia and I work on the business together, which we always say is our secret superpower. We work from a beautiful studio in the Adelaide Hills, where our team hand make all of our products.

A typical day at Etikette includes meeting with our operations team who oversee the production of all our soy wax candles and eco reed diffusers. We work closely with our beautiful community of over 500 retailers across the country and we collaborate on the creative direction for the brand from new fragrance development to campaigns and partnerships. 

3. Where do you get your inspiration from?

The wild beauty of Australia, roaring ocean sprays, big rains, smoky campfires and winding bush tracks. I love traveling and exploring new places, especially when they’re off the beaten track. Etikette tells stories of the Australian landscape through the power of scents and memories, so for me heading out on a new adventure through a lens of scents and smells is a fascinating way to travel.


4. Sustainability is a core value of Etikette. Could you share some of the initiatives you've implemented to reduce the brand's environmental footprint. 

Sustainable craftsmanship is integral to our brand and front of mind for all the choices we make, from our material selections to who we partner with. We work exclusively with local suppliers, from our perfumer to our label and box manufacturers.

For the past 3 years Etikette has partnered with Trace to measure and offset the emissions of our brand and products, which means we are an accredited climate positive brand. Through Trace we help to fund certified climate solutions including bushland biodiversity restoration projects across Australia and global projects aligned with the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals. One of the projects we help fund through Trace is a biodiversity restoration project called The Coorong Lakes, which is a conservation reserve managed in partnership with the local Ngarrindjeri people. The Coorong Lakes is an incredibly important and diverse wetlands ecosystem in South Australia which is home to over 60 native birds and 220 native plants.

5. What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of building your brand?

Building a connected brand community has been a great joy. We often hear really beautiful stories from our customers about how our products have been part of important moments of their lives, from engagements to curing homesickness. I remember one in particular, a young girl who was heading off on a year-long backpacking trip, and she made space in her rucksack for our Fleurieu candle so she could always have a piece of home with her.

6. What advice would you give to other women who aspire to launch their own brands?

I’d say be bold and brave and back yourself. Small business isn’t always straightforward or easy, but seeing your passion and hardwork come to life is incredibly rewarding.I think the secret recipe is having equal parts creativity and vision to grit and determination. 

7. Can you share some insights into how scent and fragrance can enhance relaxation?

Fragrance has a wonderful ability to help with stress reduction, sleep and mood. Incorporating scents - and candlelight -  into your space can help to create a peaceful, calming environment that promotes relaxation and well-being. I love our Freycinet candle for relaxation, it has notes of Salt, Vetiver, Bergamot and Green Leaves and it feels instantly calming. 

8. How do you prioritise self-care and relaxation in your own life?

I have three small people at home, so relaxation can feel like a rarity! But I love quiet cups of tea, a candlelit bath, swims in the ocean or a bushwalk. 

9. Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of Etikette.

Etikette is in a very exciting pocket, with lots of growth and opportunities. We’re currently working on a beautiful new product range, something entirely new, which we’re excited to be launching soon.


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