Interviews | 5 Min Read

Farmer's Footprint and the Regenerative Revolution

By bringing together diverse voices, fostering collaboration, and nurturing hope, Farmer's Footprint is redefining the way we approach farming and food production. Dive into the rich tapestry of regenerative agriculture, where progress over perfection reigns, collaboration is paramount, and hope fuels the journey towards a revitalised food system. Join us on this journey of renewal and discovery as we explore the boundless potential of regenerative farming practices.

Farmer's Footprint and the Regenerative Revolution

1. Can you provide us a brief overview of Farmer's Footprint and its mission in promoting regenerative farming practices?

Farmer’s Footprint is a national not-for-profit organisation with a mission to unite, inspire and accelerate the regenerative movement through the mediums of story, experiences and collaboration. We are one chapter in a growing international story, with partner organisation’s operating in the US, UK and NZ.

Each year we deliver programs to support our vision of a transformed food system that revitalises human, and planetary health.

2. What are the main values that guide Farmer's Footprint in promoting regenerative farming?

Progress over Perfection
We seek to meet people wherever they are, understanding that the application of regenerative principles and systems thinking is an unfolding journey.

Collaboration is Key
Much like the intricate interplay within a mycorrhizal network, where microorganisms, fungi, and plants collaborate seamlessly, our objective is to harmonise our efforts within the broader food and farming system

Fostering Hope
We recognise the vast and complex challenges that lay ahead but maintain a strong sense of optimism in the power of connected and collective action and its ability to catalyse meaningful change.

Continuing Culture
We acknowledge that we cohere on lands unceded by the world’s oldest continuing culture and we support the preservation and sharing of knowledge of our First Nations people.

3. Can you introduce the individuals who lead Farmer's Footprint in Australia, providing some insight into their backgrounds, expertise, and the roles they play in advancing the organisation's mission?

Blair Beattie - Executive Director
From previous incantations in horticulture/permaculture, hospitality, fashion photography and the spiritual arts Blair brings a diverse range of skills in small business management and community building. Passion and purpose fuel his desire to connect the collective into relationship with their themselves, their food and the wonder of nature.

Elle Jeffrey
A natural wordsmith and keen relationship builder, Elle recognises the power of narrative and strives to connect our audience to our mission as well as each other by weaving the threads of storytelling throughout our programs and initiatives.

Dave Murphy
With an extensive background in brand strategy for some of the most well known brands in the world, Dave brings extensive knowledge an understanding as to how we can leverage the power of story to build a movement towards a healthier future.

4. For those who may be new to the concept, how would you define regenerative farming, and what sets it apart from conventional farming practices?

This is a big question as regenerative agriculture may be more of a mindset than a set of principles. Essentially it is about working with nature to leave the landscape in a better condition for future generations while building healthy soil and producing healthy food.

Some principles include minimising tillage, reducing/removing the use of chemical inputs (herbicides, pesticides, fertilisers), supporting and enhancing soil biology, cover cropping and holistic grazing.

Some beautiful by-products of these practices include: carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, improved drought resilience, cleaner water cycles, healthy nutrient cycling, happier livestock and healthier humans and planet.

5. How does Farmer's Footprint work with farmers and other partners to achieve its goals?

We work closely with the spectrum of eaters, feeders and farmers to understand their needs and codesign regenerative solutions. Our ‘Farm Yarns’ tell the stories of the amazing people regenerating our landscapes and connect them with the broader movement.. This year we will curate two retreats designed to support the health and wellness of our farmers, as healthy farmers grow healthy food. Later this year we will launch an international campaign focused on raising awareness of the harmful effects of chemical use in agriculture, targeted at the broader network of conventional eaters and feeders.

The three pillars that uphold our work include:

  • Awareness - Sharing stories that generate interest and drive the regenerative movement forward.
  • Education - Connecting farmers to educators, resources and information about regenerative farming practices and benefits.
  • Support - Empowering and connecting farmers, stakeholders and consumers with positive action to regenerate our food system.

6. How has Farmer's Footprint contributed to raising awareness and educating people about regenerative farming in Australia?

Since our launch two years ago we have shared inspiring stories through our media channels and aligned networks to raise awareness of the healthy opportunities of better practice farming.

Our website resource page is a great starting point for people who want to dive deeper into understanding.

We have hosted numerous events in various states, the latest being our Re:Connection Event in Byron Bay that brought 800+ people together to share perspectives on food, health and culture, the largest gathering in the name of regenerative to be hosted in the Southern Hemisphere.

Our story has been featured on many podcasts during this time to share messages of hope and activate listeners towards a regenerative future.

7. How do you see the quality of the soil improving, influenced by regenerative farming, impacting the mineral content in our food and in turn our health?

Regenerative farming principles support life in the soil. When we have healthy biology in the soil amazing things begin to happen. Plants rely on their close relationships with the biology in the soil (funghi, bacteria etc) and exchange foods with them (sugars for nutrients). Many of these can only access the plant via these relationships. These essential nutrients are then passed on to us, many of which we cannot create or are unavailable in any other food source.

Soil is the starting point of life on this planet. Current farming practices in conventional agriculture do not support soil life and as a result we have lost most of the available topsoil… good news is we can regenerate soil by changing the way we farm.

Healthy food simply cannot grow in soil that is devoid of nutrients. Decades of commercial, industrial farming that is chemical intensive has stripped our soils of life, reducing our capacity to grow nutrient rich food. Regenerative Agriculture invites our soils to heal by restoring their natural ecology and balancing the diversity of life that exist within its ecosystem. This allows plants to access these vital nutrients turning them into the foods that we harvest.

8. How can individuals support and get involved in Farmer's Footprint's mission?

Support can come in many forms. Join our mailing list and follow our journey on our social channels. Donate to our ongoing operations and programs, via our website. Purpose-led businesses can sign up to our Regeneration Allocation partner program, see our website for more detail.

We welcome all and are passionate about our collective health. The future is


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