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How Does Magnesium Help Workouts?

How Does Magnesium Help Workouts?

If you workout regularly at the gym, run or practice yoga, Magnesium might just be the magic fitness bullet you've been looking for. Why?

Magnesium is a vital mineral: it is present in nearly every cell of your body. Approximately 30% of the magnesium in your body is stored in the muscles.

Magnesium can make your muscles strong and flexible, deliver you more energy, render you well rested, and keep stress at bay.

It contributes to flexibility and helps to prevent injury by loosening tight muscles.

Without enough magnesium, muscles can’t properly relax, which can cause cramps.

Low magnesium can also create a buildup of lactic acid, known to cause post-workout pain and tightness. 

Studies show that the more active you are, the more magnesium you need. Scientists have linked a high level of magnesium in blood to improved muscle performance, such as greater leg strength. This means that you can improve your performance by ensuring an adequate supply of Magnesium.

Magnesium also helps the body produce more insulin-like growth factor, an essential part of long-term muscle growth and strength.

Much of the body’s energy comes from ATP, a molecule that captures chemical energy from food and uses it to fuel other processes in the body. ATP production depends on Magnesium. So if you want more energy to sustain your workouts for longer - Magnesium is key. 

We suggest applying Magnesium Oil after a shower in the evening, to the soles of your feet or the back of your knees. If you're more confident with Magnesium Oil and have used it before, you can spray it directly to the muscle group you worked, to soothe them. When applied topically instead of ingested through oral supplements, the Magnesium is absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the skin, bypassing the gut, to work faster. 

Not only is Magnesium the go-to supplement to soothe a racing mind and improve sleep, it's also the workout buddy you never thought you needed. 

Try our premium and all-natural Magnesium products now


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