RECIPES | 1 Min Read

Magnesium Rich Rainbow Lasagna

This was one of the most requested recipes we have had! You were all desperate for this epic Lasagne recipe - so here it is! Full of all the magnesium-rich colourful goodness you can ask for. Great for cooking a batch and freezing for when you are short on time and want to fill your belly with healthy goodness.
Magnesium Rich Rainbow Lasagna

This was one of the most requested recipes we have had! You were all desperate for this epic Lasagne recipe - so here it is! Full of all the magnesium-rich colourful goodness you can ask for. Great for cooking a batch and freezing for when you are short on time and want to fill your belly with healthy goodness.

Serves: 8

Pumpkin layer
* 700g pumpkin, peeled and cut into cubes
* 1 tbsp each sage, rosemary, onion powder
Beetroot layer
* 1 medium beetroot, peeled and cut into cubes
* Drizzle of olive oil, as needed
Tofu 'ricotta' layer
* 1 tsp garlic powder
* 100g kale or spinach leave
* 600g firm tofu
* 15g nutritional yeast
* 1/4 cup milk of choice

* ⅔ cup milk of choice
* 50g flour of choice
* 50g regular or vegan cheese, grated 
* 12g nutritional yeast
To assemble
* 10 pieces (250g) wholemeal lasagna sheets, uncooked
* 850g natural tomato pasta sauce 
1. Preheat oven to 180°C
2. Pumpkin layer: Add all ingredients to a baking tray and toss until combined. Bake for 20-30 mins, allow to cool, then process in a food processor until smooth. Set aside
3. Beetroot layer: (repeat as per pumpkin layer).
4. Ricotta layer: Cook kale/spinach and garlic powder in a saucepan with oil over medium heat. Cook until wilted. Add with remaining ingredients to a food processor. Process until smooth Set aside.
5. Sauce: Add all ingredients to a small pot on high heat and whisk for 5-10 minutes until a custard consistency is achieved.
6. To assemble: In a deep casserole dish, layer all the all the fillings and lasagna sheets and tomato pasta sauce as desired to create a rainbow. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Serve immediately or keep refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days.



Magnesium & Blood Sugar

Magnesium helps keep your blood sugar levels stable by making your body more responsive to insulin and aiding in glucose metabolism. This is particularly important for those with diabetes or those at risk of developing it. Discover how this vital nutrient supports your overall health, learn to recognise signs of deficiency, and find out practical ways to increase your magnesium intake through diet and supplements.
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1 Min Read

Choosing the Right Type of Magnesium

Have you ever found yourself questioning why that magnesium supplement you’ve been taking doesn’t seem to deliver the results you expected? The answer might lie in the type of magnesium you’re using. 

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8 Unexpected Signs You Could Be Low in Magnesium

Ever wake up with a sore jaw or notice wear on your teeth? It might not be just stress or a restless night’s sleep—it could be your body’s way of crying out for more magnesium. Magnesium is a crucial mineral involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, yet many of us don’t get enough. Here are eight unexpected signs you might be low in magnesium and why it's important to pay attention.

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How Magnesium Boosts Your Energy Levels

Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a key role in over 300 biochemical reactions in your body. From helping your muscles to function properly to ensuring your brain operates smoothly, magnesium is indispensable. One of its primary functions is to help convert the food you eat into energy. When you're low in magnesium, these enzymatic reactions become less efficient. As a result, your body may struggle to produce energy from the nutrients you consume, leaving you feeling tired and fatigued even if your diet is balanced.

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Magnesium For Muscle Cramps & Stiffness

Do you ever find yourself wincing from a sudden muscle cramp or struggling with persistent stiffness that just won't budge?...
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