RECIPES | 1 Min Read

Merry Magnesium Mocktail

Elevate your holiday celebrations with our Merry Magnesium Mocktail – a sparkling blend of pomegranate and orange juices. Refreshing and festive, garnished with mint, cranberries, and an orange slice. Experience the joy of the season in every sip! 

Merry Magnesium Mocktail


  • 250 ml sparkling water
  • 125 ml pomegranate juice
  • 125 ml freshly squeezed orange juice (or use a high-quality store-bought version)
  • Fresh mint leaves (for garnish)
  • Fresh cranberries (for garnish)
  • Orange slices (for garnish)
  • Ice cubes


Prepare the Ingredients: Ensure your sparkling water and juices are well chilled.

Assemble the Mocktail: Fill a glass with ice cubes to keep your mocktail extra refreshing.

Pour in the Juices:

  1. Pour 125 ml of pomegranate juice over the ice.
  2. Gently pour 125 ml of orange juice into the glass. The vibrant colours will start to create a festive blend.

Top it with Sparkle: Carefully pour 250 ml of sparkling water into the glass. Watch as the bubbles dance with the fruity juices.

Give it a Gentle Stir: Use a stirring stick or a long spoon to gently mix the juices and sparkling water. 

Garnish for Festivity:

  1. Place a sprig of fresh mint on the top for a burst of aroma and a touch of green.
  2. Drop a few cranberries into the mocktail for a pop of colour and a hint of tartness.
  3. Add an orange slice to the side of the glass for an extra citrusy touch.

Feel free to adjust the quantities based on your preferences and the number of servings you need. 


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