The secret product AFL player Abbey Holmes uses to get to sleep

Ever wonder how athletes manage to keep themselves in tip-top shape? Whether you are a fitness freak or not, we can all learn a thing or two about peak performance from our favourite athletes. 
The secret product AFL player Abbey Holmes uses to get to sleep
Ever wonder how athletes manage to keep themselves in tip-top shape? Whether you are a fitness freak or not, we can all learn a thing or two about peak performance from our favourite athletes. 

And when a product is an elite athlete's secret weapon to a good night's sleep you know it's something you want to get on, right?!

The team at Body and Soul had a chat with Abbey Holmes Adelaide Crows AFLW player and Team XBlades Athlete about how she is always so cheerful. Her secret? A good night’s sleep, with a little help from a secret product.... ahem, that would be us!

Abbey shares: “When it comes to recovery and sleep, my secret weapon is Salt Lab Magnesium Oil,” 

“It’s the highest-grade magnesium oil and aids in improving sleep, enhances muscle recovery, reduces inflammation and calms the nervous system, just to name a few of the benefits.”

Magnesium has helped Abbey (and can help you!) with sleep because it is vital for the function of GABA receptors, which exist across all areas of the brain and nervous system. GABA is a calming neurotransmitter that the brain requires to switch off and being able to switch off is key to easily falling and staying asleep. 

Abbey also recommends incorporating meditation, stretching, walking and time with friends as her go-to's for filling her cup. 

When it comes to exercise, Abbey loves to mix it up, saying:

“You are more likely to enjoy and maintain your exercise if you increase the variety and keep things interesting. From yoga to boxing, running to swimming, there are so many activities to keep you fit and healthy.”

Whatever type of activity you choose to do, don't forget to warm up, cool down and spray yourself with some magnesium oil for optimal recovery and momentum in your movement.

Abbey also notes that balance is the ultimate key to keeping on track and smashing your health goals.

“A nutritious diet plan is vital, but also reward yourself for the hard work every now and then too. This doesn’t necessarily mean eat a whole block of chocolate or smash 11 burgers, but I’m a big one for reward for effort and I use one meal per week to eat whatever I want,” she explains.

Head over here to read the full article.

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