10 Magnesium Oil Benefits

Magnesium oil benefits so many aspects of our health, from muscle aches and pains to migraine relief and even bone health. Here are just 10 examples of where you could feel the rewards!
10 Magnesium Oil Benefits
Magnesium oil benefits so many aspects of our health, from muscle aches and pains to migraine relief and even bone health. Here are just 10 examples of where you could feel the rewards:

1 - Relieves muscles aches, pains, and cramps

Magnesium has many muscle relaxing qualities. By helping regulate neuromuscular signals, muscle contractions and balancing calcium levels within the body, magnesium can help muscles relax and contract, easing pain and reducing cramps which may also contribute to problems including constipation, premenstrual syndrome etc as well as pain in overworked muscles.

2 - Boosts energy

Magnesium promotes the activation of enzymes which produce cellular energy. By activating adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, magnesium boosts energy and helps prevent feelings of fatigue.

3 - Calms nerves and eases anxiety

Magnesium is essential for regulating certain hormones that help calm the brain and promote relaxation. This includes gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) that helps to reduce anxiety.

4 - Promotes a good night’s sleep

By helping calm the brain and quiet a racing mind, other magnesium oil benefits include promoting a good night’s sleep and even helps with the treatment of insomnia. Magnesium supplements have been shown to be simple and effective at improving sleep efficiency, sleep time and sleep onset, as well as aiding in early morning awakening.

5 - Aids constipation

Magnesium is known to have laxative properties, having water-absorbent properties which soften stool and help bowel movements to pass more easily. In addition, magnesium relaxes the intestinal muscles which assist in establishing a smoother rhythm for passing bowels and eases constipation.

6 - Prevents asthma

Chronic asthma sufferers may be able to use magnesium supplements to help normalise their breathing and reduce wheezing and breathlessness. This is because magnesium supplements help relax the bronchial muscles which in turn helps to regulate the person's breathing.

7 - Promotes a healthy heart

By calming the nerves, mediating digestive processes and preventing problems such as cramps, vomiting, indigestion, and constipation (all of which can cause undue stress on the heart and cardiovascular system as a whole), magnesium supplements help protect the heart from damage and also keep it beating healthily by sustaining a regular heartbeat.

8 - Relieves migraines

Magnesium can be particularly helpful for people who suffer from severe migraines, helping to reduce their severity and how frequently they affect the individual. This is because magnesium affects neurotransmitter function and blood circulation, and thus helps to relieve migraines by releasing pain-reducing hormones and reducing the constriction of blood vessels (vasoconstriction) that causes an increase in blood pressure.

9 - Controls bladder functions

Magnesium supplements can bring relief to those people suffering from bladder problems such as interstitial cystitis or nephritis, where bladder control can be an issue whether it is frequently feeling the urge to urinate or problems spotting throughout the day.

10 - Helps to keep bones strong and healthy

Magnesium benefits bones as it is essential for good bone health and influences the bone cells (osteoclasts and osteoblasts) that are essential in building healthy bone density. Magnesium also regulates calcium and vitamin D levels which are important in bone health. Magnesium deficiency can lead to bone strength disorders including osteoporosis.

Topical magnesium oil is an effective and affordable supplement -
click here for purchasing options.

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