Magnesium For PMS

If you are one of many women who find themselves doubled over by agonising cramps, struggling with fluid retention and migraines, battling fatigue, and feeling on-edge at that time of the month, you’ll be relieved to know that you can find natural relief simply by adding magnesium supplementation to your routine.
Magnesium For PMS

If you are one of many women who find themselves doubled over by agonising cramps, struggling with fluid retention and migraines, battling fatigue, and feeling on edge at that time of the month, you’ll be relieved to know that you can find natural relief simply by adding magnesium supplementation to your routine.

This is because magnesium acts in our system as a natural muscle relaxant, mood-regulator, and anti-inflammatory agent, and has been shown to relieve many of the disruptive symptoms associated with our monthly cycles.


Premenstrual migraines
Fluid retention
Trapped wind
Breast tenderness
Low energy
Brain fog
Cycle-related mood disruptions like heightened anxiety, sadness and agitation 
Poor sleep or insomnia 
Poor exercise tolerance and increased muscle soreness 

Not only does magnesium relax your gastrointestinal tract (more on this here)- helping to expel trapped gas and encourage regular bowel movements during the luteal phase (when a lot of us experience constipation or painful trapped wind due to fluctuating hormone levels), but it also has a calming effect in relieving premenstrual tension that can otherwise manifest as migraines and pelvic cramps. Indeed, when taken daily, magnesium may prevent painful menstrual cramps in some women. It’s no wonder a lot of people refer to magnesium as a magic mineral and natural painkiller!

This mineral can also increase our threshold for stressful situations and calm the central nervous system - regulating many of the disruptive mood symptoms related to PMS, as well as decrease the secretion of aldosterone, which is the hormone responsible for that uncomfortable water retention and breast tenderness many of us experience in the week leading up to our period.  

It’s safe to say the effects of magnesium on the female body are widespread - and extremely beneficial.  While you can make tweaks to your diet for a less debilitating period by focusing on the addition of lots of magnesium-rich foods (think leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate), adding a daily supplement is the surest and most effective way to make sure your body is being topped up with enough of the mineral it so desperately needs during such a turbulent time of the month.

We recommend soaking up the wonders of magnesium over time with daily & consistent application of our oil (a few spritzes on your belly are ideal for that time of the month), or a soothing soak in a magnesium bath using our Deconstructed bath bomb - because the weeks surrounding your period don’t need to be disruptive, painful, icky and uncomfortable.

Treat your body with extra care during that time of the month and let Salt Lab absorb into your skin, work its magic & ease your discomfort so you can get on with your life!

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