2 Min Read

The Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Dive into a world of wellness as we explore the extraordinary benefits of bentonite clay. From detoxification to enhanced circulation and stress reduction, discover how this natural marvel elevates your self-care ritual, leaving you refreshed, revitalised, and ready for a restful night's sleep. 

The Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay, renowned for its fine, soft texture, is a natural gift from the earth with a multitude of benefits. When mixed with water, this clay forms a luxurious paste that has been harnessed for centuries for its therapeutic properties. As a key component in Salt Lab's magnesium-infused bath salts, bentonite clay plays a crucial role in providing a holistic and rejuvenating experience.

One of the primary benefits of bentonite clay is its remarkable detoxification prowess. Acting as a magnet for toxins, this clay binds to impurities within the body and assists in their removal. As you immerse yourself in the magnesium-rich embrace of Salt Lab's bath salts, the bentonite clay goes to work, helping to cleanse your body from the inside out. This natural detoxification process promotes overall well-being, leaving you feeling revitalised and refreshed.


Enhanced Circulation and Oxygenation- 
Beyond its detoxifying properties, bentonite clay promotes improved circulation and oxygenation. As the clay works its magic, it stimulates blood flow, helping nutrients reach cells more efficiently. This enhanced circulation contributes to a revitalised and invigorated feeling, ensuring that your body experiences the full spectrum of rejuvenation.

Skin Soothing-
Beyond its detoxifying properties, bentonite clay is a gentle and effective soother for the skin. Whether you're battling acne or dealing with skin irritations, the clay's healing touch can make a noticeable difference. Salt Lab's commitment to premium, 100% natural ingredients ensures that your skin receives the care it deserves, promoting a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home.

Immune Boosting-
Bentonite clays ability to remove toxins and support the body's natural detoxification processes contributes to a strengthened immune system. By incorporating this powerhouse clay into our magnesium reset bath salts, Salt Lab enhances its commitment to not only relaxation but also to fortifying your body's natural defences.


Stress Reduction and Relaxation -
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. The inclusion of bentonite clay brings a profound sense of relaxation. The clay's natural composition, combined with the muscle-relaxing magnesium chloride flakes in our bath salts, creates a tranquil environment for your mind and body to unwind. Stressors melt away as you immerse yourself in the calming embrace of these rejuvenating bath salts.

Skin Purification and Glow- 
Bentonite clay's innate ability to absorb impurities extends to the surface, making it a powerful agent for skin purification. As you soak in the Magnesium Reset Bath Salts, the clay gently draws out excess oils and toxins from your skin, leaving it cleansed and refreshed. This purification process contributes to a natural, healthy glow, making your skin feel nourished and glowing. 


Bentonite clay stands as the silent hero within our transformative bath salt blend. As you indulge in the soothing embrace of these bath salts, envision a journey of detoxification, skin rejuvenation, and immune fortification. With each soak, you honour the ancient wisdom of natural remedies.

Magnesium & Blood Sugar

Magnesium helps keep your blood sugar levels stable by making your body more responsive to insulin and aiding in glucose metabolism. This is particularly important for those with diabetes or those at risk of developing it. Discover how this vital nutrient supports your overall health, learn to recognise signs of deficiency, and find out practical ways to increase your magnesium intake through diet and supplements.
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1 Min Read

Choosing the Right Type of Magnesium

Have you ever found yourself questioning why that magnesium supplement you’ve been taking doesn’t seem to deliver the results you expected? The answer might lie in the type of magnesium you’re using. 

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8 Unexpected Signs You Could Be Low in Magnesium

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